Blog » Evolutionary Theory Extinct!

  • Jul 11th, 2013 at 10:08 AM (CST)
  • By PD
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When I was growing up in the 1960's and 70's it looked like Darwinian Evolutionary Theory had a lock on reality. It seemed there was little hard evidence to refute the evidently ridiculous claims of evolutionists. One could see that their theory was ridiculous, but supposedly the Geologic Column and fossils therein were stubstantive demonstrations of their argument. I knew that if Darwinism was true my life would have little purpose and serving a non-existent God would be a waste. Yet, in my deepest self I knew evolutionary theory was bogus, a big fat falsehood that some bought into uncritically.

I spent the next twenty years reading extensively on the subject, both proponents and critics of evolutionary theory. The same time saw the birth of a new generation of sciences and scientists; Intelligent Design was in its infancy, aided by new sciences never dreamed of because of the relentless march of technology. Now whole fields of study were springing up like weeds - Information Theory, Forensics, Biomolecular studies, etc. These sciences delved into reality at an angle that Darwinian Evolution couldn't begin to accommodate. Today we have enough evidence from such fields of study to thoroughly discredit the theory of chemical evolution.

Recently I have been reading one of the best summaries of current knowledge of the devastating evidence - what is considered disconfirming evidence of the theory of chemical evolution - against the belief that life evolved through a purposeless, undirected fashion. I find it apalling that in our classrooms in America students typcially are indoctrinated not educated into Darwinian Evolutionary Theory. They are literally taught only one side, the confirming evicence, which upon critical examination is truly paltry. One literally has to turn the brain off, to conduct mental gymnastics similar to suspensioin of disbelief like when seeing a Sci-Fi movie like the Matrix, to accept the preposterous claims of Darwinism. But if that is presented as the only evidence, then kids will think it must be true.

The real problem is that these teens grow into calloused adults, who often have no ear for talk of an alternative theory. Having "studied evolution," they arrogantly think they know it all. In reality they know weak arguments which have not been challenged, so they are basing their faith in evolution on conjecture, not applied sciences. Conversely, the Intelligent Design Movement is all about applied sciences examining Evolution, and finding it to come up short as worth believing.

I mentioned one of the best summaries of current evidence falsifying Evolutionary Theory; it is called "Evolution Impossible," by John Ashton. It covers the topics of random mutations, the missing "intermediates," from the fossil beds, geological evidence of a global flood, the complexity of the cell, radiometric dating method problems and more. In short one can get a tutorial on what was never taught in public high school or college - all the evicence that makes one conclude Evolution was a novel idea for the 19th century but completely unfit for scientific-minded people today!

The critical thing is, what a person believes - their Worldview - establishes the basis for everything they do. Does a person accept abortion, cohabitation, homosexality, telling white lies, etc.? Does an individual think there is a God, that Heaven and Hell, angels and demons exist, and that there will be a Judgment Day? One's acceptance or rejection of Evolutionary Theory is pivotal. There is no point in belief in God or other spiritual realities if Darwinism is accepted. Conversely, if it is disproven, then Someone was behind reality and by extension logically there are "rules" established for human behavior.

I simply can't stand it when scientific evidence is withheld from students who grow up to be policy makers of the future. Yes, in other words, the poor political and cultural decisions that are made nowadays are also predicated upon misinformation and indoctrinzation into Darwinian Evolutionary Theory. It will take decades to reverse that ignorance as well as the aftermath of the poor decisions of a couple generations. I have confidence, though, that it will be reversed, because scientific facts don't simply disappear. They inconveniently reassert themselves no matter how much blather comes from the Darwinian theorists' camp. No thanks to liberal media and thoughtless reporters and illuminaries the average citizen will eventually find themselves asking of Darwinism, "How could we have believed such a stupid thing as life evolving from non-life or creatures morphing into more complex species by accident?"

My friend, do yourself a huge favor and get John Ashton's book "Evolution Impossible: 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth" and have your eyes opened to the scientific-intellectual faux pas of the millenium, namely Darwinism.