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    1. Unique

      John 1:14-18, Colossians 1:15

      "One of a kind" objects can be very valuable, extremely rare, unique. How is Jesus unique? How are you unique? Doug Schroeder explains how in this episode of "The Word Today".

    2. Firstborn-II

      Colossians 1:15-20

      What is the significance of Jesus being the "firstborn over all creation"? What is the significance of His being the" firstborn from the dead" as stated in Colossians chapter 1? Pastor Doug Schroeder explains the answers in today's episode of "The Word Today".

    3. Firstborn-I

      Colossians 1:15

      What is really meant when we read in the Bible that Jesus is the "Firstborn over all creation"? Pastor Doug Schroeder teaches the meaning in this edition of "The Word Today".

    4. Supremacy

      Colossians 1:15

      In this day of comparison, what does "Supremacy" mean?

    5. Offense

      Romans 16:17, Galatians 5:1, Colossians 2:16

      Most of us at one time or another have been offended. Likely, we also have been the offender, maybe without even realizing it. What should we do when there has been an offense? Is it a sin to take offense? Paul Schroeder answers these questions and more in this edition of "The Word Today".