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    1. Principles

      Acts 13:22

      We all need rules to live by, but what happens when they keep changing? How do we really know what "rules" we need to follow? Whose rules truly matter? Doug Schroeder shares on "Principles" in this edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Defeated

      Acts 2:24

      Because Jesus rose from the grave, what does that mean for you and me? Did he defeat death? Doug Schroeder shares on this in this edition of "The Word Today".

    3. Birthday

      Acts 2:42

      Seems like everyone loves a birthday. When was the Christian church born? When is it's birthday? How did it start? Paul Schroeder shares how in this edition of "The Word Today".

    4. Passion

      Acts 13:22

      What does it mean to have a passion for God? If you have it, what does it mean you are doing? Pastor Doug Schroeder shares on "The Word Today" about passion.

    5. Contrite

      Acts 13:22

      Is it true that the older we get, the easier it is to not sin? Pastor Doug Schroeder addressed the need of being contrite. What does it mean to be contrite? Listen to this edition of "The Word Today" and learn of David, the adulterer and murderer.