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    1. Banner

      Exodus 17:8-16

      "Banners" were quite important in ancient times, but did you know that they are important today, too? Do you know why they are important? The late pastor Paul Schroeder points out the answer in this edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Basic

      Exodus 20:1-18

      Why would it be wise to periodically review the basics? Don't we know them well enough already? Or, as the late Pastor Paul Schroeder shares, are there great reasons to do so?

    3. Victorious

      Exodus 15:1-21

      While we love to win, what should the Christians attitude be towards those who were defeated? Are we to celebrate when the enemies of God are defeated? Pastor Doug Schroeder asks and answers these questions in today's episode of "The Word Today".

    4. Choose

      Exodus 32:1-35

      The most important choice to make in life is choosing where we will spend eternity: in heaven or in hell. Pastor Paul Schroeder explains the two options you have to choose from in this episode of "The Word Today":

    5. Meal

      Exodus 12:1, John 13:1

      While we love food, do we really seek after the best food? Do we truly seek the right food? Paul Schroeder tells of the incredible Passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples on this edition of "The Word Today".