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Whatever is Troubling You
John 20:19-20
His followers were hiding behind locked doors, afraid of the unknown. They were troubled, and then someone came through the wall. Let Pastor Doug Schroeder of "The Word Today" fill you with hope as he shares the story.
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
John 11:25-26
Who said "I am the resurrection and the life"? It matters greatly who said it, because only one person is qualified to say it. Listen to Pastor Doug Schroeder of "The Word Today" share about that person.
It is I - Don't Be Afraid!
John 6:20
Where is Jesus when you are afraid of what is happening today? Are you terrified about the COVID-19? What can Jesus do for you even now? Listen to Pastor Doug Schroeder of "The Word Today" share the answer.
Is the Coronavirus from God?
John 3:16
Is the Coronavirus from God? Have you wondered that hard question or heard someone else ask it? Pastor Doug Schroeder, of "The Word Today", tackles this question.
He Defeated Death
Hebrews 2:1-18
Are you afraid of death? Why does it cause fear in you? What can you do about it? Listen in as Pastor Doug Schroeder, of "The Word Today" shares encouragement and inspiration.