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    1. Considerate

      Ephesians 4:25-32

      How easy is it for you to be kind to others? Why did Jesus highlight the actions of the good Samaritan? Pastor Doug Schroeder shares why in today's edition of "The Word Today".

    2. Diet

      Genesis 9:1, Daniel 1:11

      How is it possible to honor God in what you do or do not eat? What does the Noahic covenant come into play in today's world? Would we be healthier if we were all vegetarians? Pastor Doug Schroeder leads the study for this edition of "The Word Today".

    3. Gate

      Ezekiel 34:1-10, Matthew 18:10-14, John 10:10

      What does a shepherd do in caring for the sheep? While you may toss in the idea of protecting them, do you realize what that involves? Dr. Paul Schroeder shares on this topic in today's edition of "The Word Today".

    4. Boss

      Matthew 18:21-35

      Forgiveness is often desired but infrequently given. Why is that? Paul Schroeder helps you understand this important topic in today's word study on "The Word Today".

    5. Israel

      Genesis 47:28

      Gratitude toward God is greatly illustrated by a man named Jacob. Jacob's name was changed to Israel. Why was he so grateful? Pastor Doug Schroeder tells Jacob's story in this edition of "The Word Today".