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Matthew 20:1-16
Have you ever experienced how life can seem unfair? Well, sometimes, life is unfair! What did Jesus have to say on this? Pastor Douglas Schroeder shares the answer in this edition of "The Word Today".
2 Corinthians 8:16–9:1
Christians are supposed to exude enthusiasm for God – to be excited about God, to be happy about God, to be a walking advertisement that we’re ready to share with people the joy that we have in Jesus. The word enthusiasm is used a couple of times in the New Testament, in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. And he talks to them about being excited and . . . Listen to how Pastor Douglas Schroeder completes this in today's edition of "The Word Today".
John 14:1-2, Revelation 7:4
After death occurs in our lives here on earth there are only two possibilities of where we go for eternity. After we die, we either go to heaven with God if we are believers in his son Jesus Christ and therefore have the forgiveness of our sins; then we are going to go to heaven. If no, if we are unbelievers and still have our sin then the judgment of God is upon us and we will go . . .
Revelation 7:1
The graves will be opened and all the people who have ever lived on the face of the earth will rise and they will rejoin their souls wherever they are. They are with God if they died as believers in Jesus. They are with Satan if they were unbelievers and did not believe in Jesus and . . . . How does Paul Schroeder complete this? Listen to this edition of "The Word Today" to find out.